Powerful & personalised Flower Essence blends
Tools for your inner transformation and catalysts for change…
I distantly connect to you, test and make combination blends of Australian Bush flower essences, Bach flower essences and Bailey element essences to meet your unique needs and then further energise and personalise them overnight.
Flower essences work by enhancing the positive qualities of your mind, emotions and personality, allowing positive harmonious vibrations to replace disharmony within. Water is the universal carrier of vibrational imprints. In flower essences, the water resonates with the vibrational imprint of a particular flower. This resonance has healing and balancing qualities and can be detected by Kirlian photography.
Flower essences are totally safe and cannot be harmful to you in any way. They combine well with all medication and supplements that you may take. Flower essences are not herbal products. One third of the bottle is brandy, which is used as a preservative for the essences. Intake of alcohol is absolutely minimal in the drops you take.
“My essence is really mind blowing by the way. Wouldn’t have chosen any of them but they are so accurate. Thank you. Think it shows the difference between our level of honesty with ourselves and reality!”
— Clare