What is Health Kinesiology?
Health kinesiology is a non-diagnostic complementary therapy. It goes well
hand-in-hand with medical treatments by helping to optimise your immunity, vitality and well-being.
Health Kinesiology corrections balance various energy flows of the body. These energy flow problems can come about due to emotional baggage we carry around, past traumas, accidents, toxins, etc. Balancing the energy flows then allows your body to do what it does best - bring itself back into optimum vitality and wellbeing. You will feel clearer, lighter, happier and healthier.
Health Kinesiology is renowned for its ability to accurately pinpoint and balance energy flow imbalances at a deep level. The sessions combine gentle muscle testing with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, identifying and re-balancing energy flow problems and bringing about optimum health as a result. We believe that our emotional, mental and physical health is a direct mirror of the energies within and immediately around us in the aura and that, where possible, balancing those energies allows your body to heal itself.
Sessions are unique to each individual and every session varies from the next. You do not need to fully understand why you have a problem in order to benefit. Health Kinesiology is not a talking therapy. In the session, you lie fully-clothed on a treatment couch and generally participate in the session in some way. We gently hold acupoints to balance your energy system, and then use gentle muscle testing to determine what weakens or stresses your energy systems. These same ‘stressors’, together with holding specific acupoints, are then used as the means to release the energy flows and bring them back into balance.
As well as helping with your actual concerns, the sessions tend to leave you feeling more positive and purposeful. A comment I frequently hear from my clients is that they feel like they have found themselves.
If you are concerned about any symptoms you are experiencing, please always initially consult your GP and then I am here to help you to regain your mental, emotional or physical health as much as it’s possible for you.
“Kinesiology, a life-changing experience.”
How does
Health Kinesiology work?
Did you know that your subconscious mind is around 90% of your total mind? That leaves only 10% for what is your conscious mind. Amazing, isn’t it? Did you also know that our subconscious mind knows ‘what is wrong’ with us? And Health Kinesiology has the tools to access that fountain of knowledge. In your sessions, I use those tools to identify the exact corrections that you need in that moment in order to heal emotionally, mentally and physically. I can also identify individualised and fully accurate supplementation and/or nutritional plans for you as well as access any other information that you need to support your healing. Our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves, sometimes they just need a little help. I am the facilitator, you are the healer of yourself.
What kind of clients do you see?
My clientele is mainly women, though I do see many male clients and a significant proportion of my clients are children, who respond brilliantly. I see people from all age groups and have had great success with a variety of concerns. Health Kinesiology is based on the same principles as acupuncture and our clientele is very similar. Many people who have failed to get help from conventional routes seek and receive help from me.
Clients who were stuck in their lives, perhaps in an unhappy relationship, the wrong job, or had found their life unfulfilling have gained clarity and purpose since their sessions. I obviously cannot not change your life circumstances, but I can help to change your perceptions, your subconscious or limiting beliefs, your reactions, expectations and feelings about life, health, relationships, wealth, career, etc.
Do you ever wonder why similar situations keep re-manifesting in your life? Can you see how your limiting beliefs may create your reality? Has past trauma left a permanent mark on you? Are you living in the past or fearing the future? Do you want to change something in your life, but it remains just a wish? Let’s change that! By changing you, your life changes.